

Cynthia is bringing her learning and clinical experience into professional courses. Below is information about her offerings. 

Baby Jaws™ & Breathing Nose to Toes™ empowers professionals to revolutionize the way they treat every patient. Why must airway, breathing, sleep and cranio-mandibular dysfunctions be top of mind for every member of the pediatric multi-disciplinary team? This course shares evidence-based research and teaches innovative tools and techniques to optimize craniofacial and respiratory function to transform everyday focus, practice and individualized treatments.

The 2-day course if for pediatric PTs, OTs, SLPs, RTs, MDs, and DOs with an early intervention focus may apply to attend. Others considered on a case-by-case basis.

Professionals who complete this course will be able to:

  • Apply evidence-based treatments, & clinical tools to use with individual clients, with hands-on lab-based learning introducing whole body breathing & how they connect with orofacial myofunctional therapy tools and techniques, which can improve sleep apnea up to 62%.

  • Explore whole-body systems and connections with focus on the cranium, mandible, hyoid, TMJ’s, nerves, diaphragm, ankles & toes.

  • Facilitate collaboration and teamwork.

  • Investigate how mouth breathing, snoring, trouble sleeping in young children increases their chance of special education needs, causes neuronal damage and impacts behavior, cognition, development, motor skills, language, and speech of an already vulnerable population.

  • Analyze research, use screening and assessment tools, and review cases while connecting anatomy, physiology, neurology, and chemistry.

  • Assess low tongue posture and “tongue ties” including why function, not fascia, is key to success.